We will take advantage of winter’s slow and dense power to gather more nutrients and fuel to keep us warm and secure. To be able to follow an adequate diet in winter, it is essential to take advantage of the foods of the season and the place where we live. It is time to consume tubers, summer-ripened nuts, and sweet vegetable stews such as pumpkin, all of them will provide us with heat and stability like we are on culinary tours
Similarly, the appropriate cooking styles and corresponding to the movement that occurs outside and inside the body, also contribute to order.
If in autumn, we tried to make a transition that would give us warmth. Still, we are going to dedicate ourselves to keeping the wick lit to preserve our “internal bellows” throughout the season without losing all lightness in winter. You can check the fruits and vegetables in season in the winter calendar.
Tips For A Proper Winter Diet
- Start the day with something that warms us up, such as spiced milk or millet porridge. That most of our preparations are hot, cooked, slightly fatty, and well-seasoned will keep us warm.
- Avoid drinks and food at cold temperatures; they weaken us and drain energy.
- The vegetables cooked generate heat: pumpkin, sweet potatoes, leeks, onions, carrots, beets, parsnips, and other root vegetables, are welcome and bring strength. Also, a pinch of spices or slightly spicy herbs such as garlic, ginger, black pepper, cayenne, cinnamon, parsley, and chives will heat the dish.
- The whole grains soaked and cooked, such as oats, brown rice round, buckwheat, tapioca, and the vegetables in the form of creams, stews, and well prepared. We help generate internal heat.
- The soups and broths, the kings of winter: warm us and help extract nutrients from food and put at our disposal in an easily assimilable form.
- If you eat, winter is also an excellent time to enjoy the nutritious eggs.
- It is better to reduce or avoid excessively sweet foods, and they create cold and humidity. We will pay particular attention not to abuse foods that are too dense and heavy such as pastries or bread or excessively fatty such as cookies, fried foods, excess nuts, or chocolate. On the other hand, we recommend sweets cooked with spices, such as sweet potatoes with steamed cinnamon, sweet potato brownie, and dates, or delicious chestnut cream.
- Using saltier seasonings like sea salt, shoyu, or tamari, or longer-lasting fermented ones like miso, will help warm the body thoroughly.
- For the winter we can use more good quality oil in the cooking. Sometimes a well-crafted fry or tempura will give us a boost of heat and quench the craving for fatty foods with a crunchy texture. Accompanying the fried foods with radish, ginger, and pickles will help us digest them much better.